The gold jewellery designs are fashionable. Gold jewellery worth Rs 15 lakh has reportedly been stolen from a locker of Nainital Bank. The victim is a retired deputy general manager (DGM) of Food Corporation of India (FCI). The incident has been reported from Shalimar Bagh area of northwest Delhi.
A police official said that they have lodged an FIR in this connection and are looking into the matter. According to the police, the victim Kulbhushan Sobti (65), who was formerly posted at the FCI headquarter in the Capital, has approached them with a written complaint.
"Sobti has alleged that he has a joint account with his wife Chandra Prabha along with a locker at Nainital Bank. He said that he has been operating the account and locker for the past twenty years. He used to put most of his jewellery in this locker. But the last time he visited the bank, he found a bag containing jewellery worth Rs 15 lakh missing from his locker," said a police official.
It was October 18 when Sobti paid a visit to the bank. He had taken some jewellery with him to put in the locker. While doing that he found a brown bag, in which he had kept some gold jewellery and other ornaments, missing. He inquired about it to bank officials but they could not provide a satisfactory answer. After this he decided to approach the police and called the PCR.
"When I asked about this to the bank authorities they feigned ignorance. I had put jewellery worth Rs 15 lakh, which includes eight neckpieces, eight sets of bangles, two bracelets and other gold ornaments, in the bag," said Sobti.
He also alleged that he suspected the involvement of one or more employees of the bank. "I saw some CCTV footage in which when I was closing the locker on October 18, a peon entered the locker room. He might be involved," Sobti said. "Police will go through the CCTV footage of the bank. Our investigations in the case are on," added the police official.